Who We Are


Gay International is one of the oldest used and historically respected LGBTQ+ terms and used by organizations that gave a platform over the years to showcase and make visible our talented history.  At the present and future Gay International Organization (GIO), we have moved the term Gay International into the 21st century.  We are...ALL INCLUSIVE / ALL RESPECTING / ALL EMBRACING of our entire LGBTQ+ community.  No Matter how you identify- He Him His / She Her Hers / They Them Theirs / Mx, etc. there is a HOME for you here at Gay International.  Our mission is to embolden and enhance the gifts of our most diverse, educated and talented community to entertain, educate, encourage and empower action throughout the LGBTQ+ and main-stream communities. 


GIO provides a platform to not only entertain but to advocate our community rights, history and spread knowledge of the LGBTQ+ community with passion of the heart on a global scale.  We are truly INTERNATIONAL, bringing together our diverse cultures, traditions and history from around the world. 




Your story matters!


Gay International is more than a crown, a medallion and a title. We use our plateform in pageantry to showcase our most diverse, educated and talented members of the LGBTQ+ communities from across the world.  Our mission is to embolden and enhance the acceptance of our most diverse, educated and talented community while entertaining, educating, encouraging and empowering action throughout the LGBTQ+ and main-stream communities.


Being a Symbol of Acceptance within the LGBTQIA+ community is a significant and impactful role that goes beyond personal achievement. It involves embodying the principles of inclusivity, understanding, and support for individuals across the spectrum of sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions. This role often falls upon individuals who have gained visibility and influence within the community due to their advocacy, visibility, or accomplishments.


Here's what it means to be a Symbol of Acceptance and how winning a pageant can encompass greatness in this context:


1. Advocacy and Visibility: A symbol of acceptance actively engages in advocacy for LGBTQIA+ rights, representation, and visibility. They use their platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by different segments of the community and work towards eradicating discrimination, prejudice, and stigmatization.

2. Empowerment: Acceptance is about empowering others to embrace their authentic selves. Symbols of acceptance inspire others to be confident in expressing their gender identity and sexual orientation, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

3. Challenging Stereotypes: By living openly and authentically, symbols of acceptance challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about LGBTQIA+ individuals. They show that diverse gender identities and sexual orientations are a normal and integral part of human experience.

4. Unity and Community Building: Being a symbol of acceptance means fostering a sense of unity within the LGBTQIA+ community. It involves recognizing the intersectionality of identities and advocating for the rights of all members, regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or other factors.

5. Mentorship and Support: Symbols of acceptance often serve as mentors and sources of support for others within the LGBTQIA+ community. They provide guidance, encouragement, and resources to individuals who may be struggling with acceptance or facing challenges related to their identity.

6. Winning a Pageant and Greatness: Winning a pageant within the LGBTQIA+ community can encompass greatness because it provides a platform to amplify the message of acceptance and equality. Pageant winners often become role models who use their title to advocate for change, influence public opinion, and drive conversations around LGBTQIA+ issues.

a. Increased Visibility: Pageant winners gain visibility on a broader scale, allowing them to reach audiences that may not have been previously engaged with LGBTQIA+ topics. This visibility helps normalize diverse identities and relationships.

b. Advocacy Opportunities: The title of a pageant winner offers a unique opportunity to advocate for specific causes and concerns within the LGBTQIA+ community. This could involve speaking at events, participating in campaigns, and collaborating with other organizations to effect positive change.

c. Inspiring Others: Winning a pageant sends a powerful message of empowerment. It shows that LGBTQIA+ individuals can achieve greatness, break barriers, and be celebrated for who they are.

d. Symbol of Hope: Pageant winners can become symbols of hope for those who may be struggling with acceptance. Their journey and success story can inspire others to embrace their identity and pursue their dreams.

In conclusion, being a Symbol of Acceptance within the LGBTQIA+ community involves embodying values of inclusivity, empowerment, and advocacy. Winning a pageant within this context represents a platform for promoting positive change, influencing perceptions, and inspiring individuals to embrace their true selves with pride.


Remember, Symbols of Accpetance come in all shapes, sizes and colors of the rainbow.




Join our TEAM









and ALLIES are...


Symbols of Acceptance



The greatest gift GIO can give is a voice to the voiceless and a platform to entertain, inspire, express and teach.  Everyone's story matters.  From the girl that wants to be a tomboy, or the boy that wants to wear a skirt, and everyone in between who people try to condemn, GIO is here for you.


The world can be harsh and we have to be strong within ourselves.  Everyone brings value and inspiration so come as you are, you are... More Than Enough.







A person who can entertain and showcase their unique talent.

Shows an interest in the world and uplift their LGBTQ+ family around them.

Displays compassion to the world and to the people around them.

Embraces change, or things and people different from their own frame of referance, experience or culture background.

Can articulate their thoughts and conduct an intelligent conversation.

Is Authentic.

Confident but not arrogant.

Can be a Ambassador of Goodwill.

Has positive leadership skills.

Inspires their peers and people around them.

Embodies inclusiveness and Acceptance of all.